Sorry for the delay this week everyone but I took a look at three plays. The Wondo, VAR issued red card, the Roldan boot to the head dangerous play (or was it?) and lastly the Ochoa scenario of blasting the ball in the stands targeting supporters.
Another great week for referee calls and reviews so lets break some stuff down.
The Match: LAFC vs Seattle
The Referee: Armando Villarreal
The Play: In the 67th minute of the match a ball was sent over the top to Christian Roldan of Seattle and Eddie Segura makes contact with the ball bouncing using a bicycle kick in an attempt to clear the ball out. Segura appears to clear the ball but also makes contact with Roldans head. There was no call from Armando Villareal and play resumed.
My thoughts: A TON of Seattle fans were all over Twitter regarding this play however, the general census was it was endangering the safety and a red car should have been issue, there were many other ideas but that was the most popular. What I saw on the replay was Eddie Segura making contact with the ball first and then making contact with Roldans head. Ok, normal play sure you may get dangerous play and a potential free kick, but in my opinion Roldan puts himself in a vulnerable spot coming in after ball contact from Segura and lowering his head. To me, great call from Villareal here.

The Match: San Jose vs FC Dallas
The Referee: Tim Ford
The VAR: Kevin Terry Jr
The Play: The 87th minute Chris Wondolowski is tracking the ball near the end line and steps in late on FC Dallas the defender. Wondo steps on the heal area of the defender and it appears the defenders foot slides about three feet. Tim Ford initially issues a yellow card but VAR Kevin Terry Jr has Kelly review the play and a red card for endangering the safety of an opponent was issued.
My thoughts: This call was hard for me and not because it was wrong, as a referee I have always hated issuing an ejection to anyone without intently committing an action. It was obvious on the play that Wondo had no intent to step in and tackle the defender in that way and I struggle to even see where Wondo stepped in. To me it looked like they may have just gotten tied up and Wondos stride put his foot there. (I know that sounds bad). Unfortunate for Wondo but great call by the referee here.

The Match: Minnesota vs Real Salt Lake
The Referee: Drew Fischer
The Play: At the end of the match prior to walking to the center of the field Real salt Lake goalkeeper David Ochoa has the ball i his hand and out of frustration boots the ball towards the Minnesota supporters section. No call was made and Ochoa had to deal with the Minnesota players in a scrum (if you even call it that)
My Thoughts: Professional players on any sport at any level need to keep a cool head. Especially a player who has an opportunity to occasionally represent the US National team. Ochoa should be at a minimum fined for the action. I do feel a red card would have been fine for the play but, it would be tough to define within the laws. Seems more of a league disciplinary action than a referee action.
See you next week!!!